Wednesday 9 May 2012

It's time to show the new generation’s face to the global community.

We are the new generation of Tibet. We have many responsibilities to keep our traditional cultures and language alive - as much as we can every single day. Our language is our identity and we can be recognised for our country. The nation of Tibet has a long history and an especially rich culture.  Our forefathers were dedicated to the language and our country. During that time, Tibet was an extremely powerful country in Asia both economically and politically. We can read about the light of Tibetan history and the rich culture now through books. But unfortunately today, many Tibetan’s do get the opportunity to get education about Tibetan culture and language but they do not realise the value of the Tibetan wisdom source.  This is the main point we have to think about and understand the detail. Also as one Tibetan youth writer says, that it does not matter how much we change our hair and eye-brow colour, our blood is still Tibetan.

As Tibetan’s we have to learn the Tibetan language. The Tibetan language is the soul of Tibet. Most of our new generation of Tibetan’s in exile have killed our language. Why?  This is a complicated question for people who currently live in exile. Tibetan people who lived in Tibet always try to speak pure Tibetan language under the oppression of the People’s Republic of China government. One time I called my friend in Tibet who did not get the opportunity to study. He knew plenty of new words which I had not heard before. That shows that they do pay more attention to the Tibetan language and culture and are trying to keep alive our specific dignity. Tibetan language is the key to our protest and keeping it alive. We also need to know about Tibetan history. As a human being who needs unlimited courage, what are we looking for in life? We are neglecting to practice to our language as usual. We Tibetan’s are playing our life like a can we speak with our great forefathers about what is happening in exile ?

Friday 20 April 2012

Life is a complete struggle for Tibetan people.

Tibet is my country 
Tibetan is my language 

I was born a son of Tibet. My struggle destination is the country of Tibet - until we (all of Tibetan’s who live outside of Tibet) will be together and reunited again in our motherland. As for all human beings, they can investigate themselves what is right and wrong. What kind of things are most necessary for one’s life, what do we need to feel freedom? We Tibetan’s are always searching for these things for more than a half century now. A number of people have lost their lives, they have lost families, relatives, parents and children because we don't have basic human rights as other democratic countries do.  But we Tibetan’s always keep going, with our supporters, we want to tell the world what is our main struggle. We always campaign for Tibetan people, for our rights as human beings and for truth.

Since my country has been occupied by the People’s Republic of China, the peaceful country of Tibet has completely changed.  It is terrible and appears to be getting worse. Most of the Tibetan important politicians and religious leaders have been in killed and the rest of them put in prison for long periods of time. Tibetan historical places such as monasteries and nunneries have been totally destroyed and books burned. The Chinese government has made many announcements worldwide about the Tibetan occupation. They use propaganda to the world to say that there is peaceful liberation in all three regions including Tibet.  Actually we can see in Tibet that this is not the case. The Chinese Government attempts to wash the mind of the new generation of Tibetan children. Through movies and school books, they hold workshops teaching that Tibet is part of China. In the school system they have removed the Tibetan language.  We Tibetan’s must educate our youth in Tibetan language and the history of our country, in particular the details about the Tibetan political position from the eyes’ of the world.

For all Tibetan people who live in exile, we need to take action rather than sit in silence. We can continue in life and find the courage to lead people and make a difference. Great leaders like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi did not wait for others to lead, we should use them as our roles models for change. And in the words of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, never give up.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Three Main Commitments

His Holiness has three main commitments in life.   Firstly, on the level of a human being, His Holiness’ first commitment is the promotion of human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline.  All human beings are the same.  We all want happiness and do not want suffering.  Even people who do not believe in religion recognize the importance of these human values in making their life happier.  His Holiness refers to these human values as secular ethics.  He remains committed to talk about the importance of these human values and share them with everyone he meets.   Secondly, on the level of a religious practitioner, His Holiness’ second commitment is the promotion of religious harmony and understanding among the world’s major religious traditions.  Despite philosophical differences, all major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings.  It is therefore important for all religious traditions to respect one another and recognize the value of each other’s respective traditions.  As far as one truth, one religion is concerned, this is relevant on an individual level.  However, for the community at large, several truths, several religions are necessary.   Thirdly, His Holiness is a Tibetan and carries the name of the ‘Dalai Lama’.  Tibetans place their trust in him.  Therefore, his third commitment is to the Tibetan issue.  His Holiness’ has a responsibility to act as the free spokesperson of the Tibetans in their struggle for justice.  As far as this third commitment is concerned, it will cease to exist once a mutually beneficial solution is reached between the Tibetans and Chinese.   However, His Holiness will carry on with the first two commitments till his last breath.
Taken from